Saturday, October 6, 2012

This is for you bully.

According to a bully is as stated; aggressive person: an aggressive person who intimidates or mistreats weaker people.

October is anti-bully awareness month, and many schools and organizations are doing their part to raise awareness to the growing trend.

I have had numerous friends talking about the issues that their children are having at school with bullies and the tough times that their children are having dealing with it. I understand that bullying is something that comes with life, something that has been around since man learned to sin. It is hard in this day and time with the growing ability to find and look at anything on the internet, television, movies,  and more. Bullying seems to be something that is getting harsher and dealt from the hand at a very young age. So what now, how to we stop it?

The sad reality is that we will never be able to stop it. Bullying is something that will do nothing but grow as we live and the unfortunate victims will just need to learn how to deal with it. With all of this said, I have chose to not write a blog about how I think we stop bullying but rather to take this time to say a few words to all the bullies out there.

You are human, you are alive, you are breathing and bleed just like everyone else. You have hair and nails, and most likely wear underwear. So how do I know that you are indeed a bully? You are all of these things and much much more. You are hateful, you are weak, you are spiteful, and you are pathetic. Do I think that you are worthless, no, I think that you need a reality check, and I think that you perhaps needed better guidance.

Bullying comes in many forms, stating how someone looks in a negative way, stating that someone sounds funny for the way that they talk, laughing when someone else is being picked on, putting your hands on someone else, yelling at someone, throwing things, I could go on and on. The point is bullying comes in many shapes and forms, and you may think that you are the one on the outside, but evaluate yourself and truly take notice on how you treat others.

What is the point, what do you really gain from picking on another, and do you really actually gain anything from it. Your friends laugh at what you do and you feel a sense of power, but you need to realize they are laughing with you because they do not want to be the ones laughed at. Your superiors look at you as a weakling, not because you are physically, but that you are too weak to take the path of being kind and understanding and instead take the path of attempting to be on top. You will grow up to be a bully and teach your children to be bullies, and your adult friends will wonder why you are the way you are.

You see, you bully those around you to make yourself feel as though you are in power, but the reality of it is you are the one on the outside. Others look at you as the odd one, the one that is different.

Have you never been hurt? Have you never been sad, or felt what it is like to lose? And have you been happy and excited for something? Have you felt love from another, or ever lost someone that is close to you. Take all of these emotions and wrap them together, your victims, the ones you pray on,  and for some this could many, as the victim you feel all of these emotions wrapped into one. You are always hurt, you are always lost, you can be happy and sad at the same time. It is not funny or "cool" to make someone hurt this way.

Bullying is something that everyone will deal with at some point in their lives, I use this as a way to teach my own children that they do not like the way it feels, and at no point should they make others feel this way.

Learn from your hatred that you can change, you can be better. Learn from your hatred that you do not have to be this way, and that you are stronger by choosing a different path. You are weaker the meaner you are, and you are sad to watch.

Next time you get the urge to punch or speak with hate, try something different, say something else or say nothing at all. If you are an adult, think of your children, maybe they will be the ones that will be bullied, maybe they will be the ones hurt by someone just as yourself.

And to the victims

God made us all equal, it does not mean that some are better looking than others, or there is a right or wrong way to speak. Our body types are not meant to be the same, or judged. And if you are the one being bullied, my heart breaks for you, but know that this moment in your life does not last forever. You will grow up, and you will instill in others, or maybe just yourself, that pride that you were not the one dealing the hate, but that you survived it. You are stronger than any bully, it does not need to be physically, but emotionally also. Bullies are weak and worthless in their actions. Bullies target those that they see as different and threatening to their own character. Bullies are lost and will never be found if they cannot change. You are a warrior.

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